Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to use 3 big secrets for attracting people.

The real secret of an attractive personality is to offer other people the food they are hungry for. People are as hungry for certain things as flies are for honey.

     Use the triple AAA formula for attracting people.

1. Acceptance. acept people as they are. Allow them to be themselves. Don't insist on any one being perfect before you can like him. Don't fasten a moral straight jacket and expect others to wear it in order to gain your acceptance. Above all don't bargain for acceptance. Don't say, in substance, I'll accept you if you'll do this or that, or change your ways to suit me.

2. Approval. Look for something to approve in the other person. It may be something small or insignificant. But let the other person know you approve of that, and the number of things you can sincerely approve of will begin to grow. When the other person gets a taste of your genuine approval, he will begin to change his behavior so that he will be approved for other things.

3. Appreciation. To appreciate means to raise in value, as opposed to depreciate, which means to lower in value. Let other people know that you value them. Treat other people as if they were valuable to you. Don't keep them waiting. Thank them. Give them Special individual treatment.

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