Thursday, December 4, 2014

Leadership thoughts.

  1. If you are going to be successful, you will need to have a purpose.  Are you self-centered or purpose-centered?   Because if you are Self centered you will sacrifice your purpose for yourself. 
  2. Faith Based Optimism! It is like what ever it takes, We will keep going no matter what. 
  3. Faith Based Perspective in Life. Taking the long term view. Give your life for something that matters. What are you sacrificing your life for?  The time here is a pilgrimage. Give it your best. Where do you lay up your treasures? 
  4. A Leader does not give himself a pass on Character just because his peer did. How many people have the courage to face  issues in love, instead of keeping the right to be offended. A coward is  the person that does not go to the person that offended him to fix the issue, but will go talk to every one else about that issue. 
  5. Poise or Panic! 
  6. Abiding Enthusiasm or persistent Passion! 
  7. An Unbreakable will to finish what you Started! How much can you take before you break? What does it take to get back up again? it is an unbreakable will. Failure eventually gives up on you. 
  8. Flex-ability to make changes without breaking. 
  9. Loyalty verses Fealty! 
  10. An Encourager or a Nitpicker! 
From an Audio By Orrin Woodward. 

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