Group Bible Study Outline.
What is the setting, context, What is going on in this passage?
- Paul is teaching Timothy about honoring and supporting our elders.
- Accusations against elders.
- Rebuking sinners before all.
- Partiality in dealing with people
- The law of sowing and reaping.
What is Being taught, what does it mean, and what can we learn from This ?
- The Elders that preside well with wisdom, ability, and loving faithfulness be counted worthy of double honor. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And the labourer is worthy of his reward. Paul also said that he that preaches the gospel should also live from the gospel.
- It takes 2 or 3 witnesses to convict and Elder, otherwise don’t pay attention to it.
- But if they do sin and refuse to repent, do rebuke before all that others may fear.
- As you deal with these people, be not partial, don’t deal with some one way and others another way. And don’t be quick to lay hands on some but not on others.
How is this teaching being applied, and how can we apply it to our lives? Give examples.
- Not only do we honor them and esteem them in high regard but we also give them gifts and pay them well.
- We must be careful when we hear accusations against and elder and disregard it unless there are 2or3 witnesses. Because Elders have to preach the word and it brings conviction, and not everyone likes it, and people make excuses and bring accusations because they were offended.
- If one of our Elders or anyone in the church for that matter) sins, after we have done Mt 18;15-17, we are to rebuke them before all by exposing their sin and remove their membership, to keep the church pure and create a culture where we fear the consequences of sin. See 1Cor 5;9-13, Eph 5;11.
- As we deal with people in the church, (whether it is with sin or blessing the) Let us remember that we are accountable to God, He and the Angels are watching, and so we need to be very careful and not be partial, where we treat one person different then the other depending on who it is.
One thing I will change or get better at.
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